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76 (1) Subject to section 71, the strata corporation may give an owner or tenant permission to exclusively use, or a special privilege in relation to, common assets or common property that is not designated as limited common property.

  • (2) A permission or privilege under subsection (1) may be given for a period of not more than one year, and may be made subject to conditions.
  • (3) The strata corporation may renew the permission or privilege and on renewal may change the period or conditions.
  • (4) The permission or privilege given under subsection (1) may be cancelled by the strata corporation giving the owner or tenant reasonable notice of the cancellation.

1998-43-76, effective July 1, 2000 (B.C. Reg. 43/2000).


See s. 17.7 of the Strata Property Regulation, B.C. Reg. 43/2000, regarding the application of a right, permission, or privilege granted before July 1, 2000, under s. 117(f) of the Part 5 Bylaws under the Condominium Act or a similar bylaw. The Strata Property Regulation is included at chapter 58 (Strata Property Regulations).