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  • 160 (1) If a person is appointed as the personal representative of a deceased person, the estate of the deceased person vests in the personal representative without any further declaration or order.
  • (2) If a person is discharged or removed as the personal representative of a deceased person, the estate of the deceased person ceases, without any further declaration or order, to be vested in that person.
  • (3) This section applies whether a person is discharged, removed, added or substituted as a personal representative in accordance with a will or with this Act.
  • (4) The vesting of an estate under subsection (1) has the same effect as if the estate had been actually transferred to the person in whom it is vested.
  • (5) The provisions of the Land Title Act that apply to a transmission of land apply to a vesting of land under this section.

2009-13-160, effective March 31, 2014 (B.C. Reg. 148/2013).