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In This Volume

  • 249 (1) The registrar must deposit a strata plan if satisfied that the application to deposit the strata plan and any accompanying documents comply with the requirements for deposit and registration in the Land Title Act and this Act, and any other applicable requirements.
  • (2) On deposit of a strata plan the registrar must assign to the strata plan a serial deposit number and register new indefeasible titles for the strata lots.
  • (3) For the purposes of this Act, and despite sections 261(2), 267 and 270, the registrar is under no duty to ensure that a Schedule of Unit Entitlement or Schedule of Voting Rights complies with the requirements of this Act or the regulations, requires the approval of the superintendent or has been approved by the superintendent.

1998-43-249, effective July 1, 2000 (B.C. Reg. 43/2000).


The Strata Property Regulation, B.C. Reg. 43/2000, is included at chapter 59 (Strata Property Regulations). The Land Title Act Regulation, B.C. Reg. 334/79, is included at chapter 33 (Land Title Act—Regulations and Director’s Directions).

Application to Deposit Strata Plan


For electronic plans, the director has approved the Electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office. This form is available at

The signature blocks that are required normally on a hardcopy plan are available in one of three schedules in the electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office. Each signature block is accessed and created by clicking on Add Owner/Charge Signatures, Add Approver Signatures, or Add SG Signatures buttons at the bottom of the form. Selection from the drop-down menu in each of the signature schedules automatically populates the signature or witness field with the appropriate editable text for the schedule selected. For assistance in completing the form, see the Land Title Electronic Plan Application Help Guide at

Endorsement of Registrar


An annotation line containing the date of application, application number, and status of the plan appears on a print of the plan image once it is electronically submitted.

The registrar must endorse the strata plan as required by s. 14.10 of the Strata Property Regulation.

Registration of New Indefeasible Titles: Section 249(2)

See s. 14.11 of the Strata Property Regulation and s. 251(1) of the Act regarding registration of indefeasible title for each strata lot.


Confirmation of Signatures

The registrar confirms that the Schedule of Unit Entitlement, Form V, has been completed and signed by the owner developer and the surveyor, if applicable, and that the Schedule of Voting Rights, Form W, has been completed and signed by the owner developer. The registrar does not inquire about whether the forms comply with the Act or the regulations. See s. 249(3) of the Act.


Documents Accompanying Strata Plan

See the practice note under s. 245 of the Act regarding the documents that are required to deposit a strata plan.