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Local Government Act, R.S.B.C. 2015, C. 1

In This Volume

  1. Part 1—Purposes and Interpretation

  2. 1 Purposes of this Act [§52.110]

  3. 2 Definitions and other interpretation rules [§52.111]

  4. Division 4—Specific Powers in Relation to Municipal Letters Patent

  5. Additional powers where former municipality dissolved when new municipality incorporated [§52.112]

  6. Part 2—Incorporation of Municipalities and Regional Districts

  7. Division 5—Municipal Incorporation or Boundary Changes: Related Matters

  8. 36 Collection of taxes in relation to municipal boundary changes [§52.113]

  9. 39 Rights and liabilities not affected by reissue of letters patent [§52.114]

  10. Part 5—Regional Districts: Purposes, Principles and Interpretation

  11. 185 Purposes of regional districts [§52.115]

  12. 186 Principles for regional district-provincial relations [§52.116]

  13. 187 Broad interpretation [§52.117]

  14. 189 References to regional district officers [§52.118]

  15. Part 6—Regional Districts: Governance and Procedures

  16. Division 1—Regional Districts and Their Boards

  17. 193 Regional district corporations [§52.119]

  18. 194 Board as governing body [§52.120]

  19. 195 Area of jurisdiction [§52.121]

  20. Division 10—Other Matters

  21. 246 Giving notice to regional districts [§52.122]

  22. 247 Notice by regional district: obligation satisfied if reasonable effort made [§52.123]

  23. Part 8—Regional Districts: General Powers and Responsibilities

  24. Division 5—General Property Powers

  25. 278 Reservation and dedication of land for public purpose: application of Community Charter [§52.124]

  26. 279 Control of Crown land parks dedicated by subdivision [§52.125]

  27. 280 Disposition of regional parks and trails [§52.126]

  28. 281 Exchange of park land: application of Community Charter [§52.127]

  29. Part 9—Regional Districts: Specific Service Powers

  30. Division 1—Building Regulation

  31. 297 Authority requires regional district service [§52.128]

  32. 298 Building regulation bylaws [§52.129]

  33. Division 3—Drainage, Sewerage and Related Matters

  34. 313 Appropriation of stream channel or bed [§52.130]

  35. Part 10—Regional Districts: Service Structure and Establishing Bylaws

  36. Division 1—General Service Powers

  37. 332 General authority for services [§52.131]

  38. Part 11—Regional Districts: Financial Management

  39. Division 5—Fees, Charges and Interest

  40. 397 Imposition of fees and charges [§52.132]

  41. 398 Interest calculation [§52.133]

  42. 399 Special fees and charges that are to be collected as taxes [§52.134]

  43. 400 Special fees and charges that are liens against property [§52.135]

  44. Part 14—Planning and Land Use Management

  45. Overview of Part 14 [§52.136]

  46. Division 1—General

  47. 455 Definitions in relation to this Part [§52.137]

  48. Division 5—Zoning Bylaws

  49. 483 Housing agreements for affordable housing and special needs housing [§52.138]

  50. Division 6—Development Approval Information Requirements

  51. 484 Development approval information [§52.139]

  52. 485 Development approval information areas or circumstances [§52.140]

  53. 486 Bylaw authority in relation to development approval information [§52.141]

  54. 487 Requirement to provide development approval information [§52.142]

  55. Division 7—Development Permits

  56. 488 Designation of development permit areas [§52.143]

  57. 489 Activities that require a development permit [§52.144]

  58. 490 Development permits: general authority [§52.145]

  59. 491 Development permits: specific authorities [§52.146]

  60. Division 8—Temporary Use Permits

  61. 492 Designation of temporary use permit areas [§52.147]

  62. 493 Temporary use permits for designated areas and other areas [§52.148]

  63. 494 Public notice and hearing requirements [§52.149]

  64. 495 Permit conditions: undertakings respecting land [§52.150]

  65. 496 Permit conditions: additional security requirements [§52.151]

  66. 497 Term of permit and renewal of permit [§52.152]

  67. Division 9—Development Variance Permits

  68. 498 Development variance permits [§52.153]

  69. 498.1 Delegation of power to issue development variance permit [§52.154]

  70. 499 Notice to affected property owners and tenants [§52.155]

  71. Division 10—Other Permits and Permit Matters

  72. 501 General land use permit matters [§52.156]

  73. 502 Requirement for security as condition of land use permit [§52.157]

  74. 503 Notice of permit on land title [§52.158]

  75. 504 Permit lapses if relevant construction not substantially started [§52.159]

  76. Division 11—Subdivision and Development: Requirements and Related Matters

  77. 506 Subdivision servicing requirements [§52.160]

  78. 507 Requirements for excess or extended services [§52.161]

  79. 508 Latecomer charges and cost recovery for excess or extended services [§52.162]

  80. 509 Completion of required works and services [§52.163]

  81. 510 Requirement for provision of park land or payment for parks purposes [§52.164]

  82. 513 Requirement to provide land for new highway or widening existing highway [§52.165]

  83. 514 Subdivision to provide residence for a relative [§52.166]

  84. Division 12—Phased Development Agreements

  85. 515 Definitions in relation to this Division [§52.167]

  86. 516 Phased development agreements [§52.168]

  87. 520 Subdivision approval for land subject to phased development agreement [§52.169]

  88. 521 Notice of phased development agreement on land title [§52.170]

  89. Division 16—Discharge and Termination of Land Use Contracts

  90. 545 Application to land use contracts under previous legislation [§52.171]

  91. 546 Amendment and discharge of land use contract [§52.172]

  92. 547 Termination of all land use contracts in 2024 [§52.173]

  93. 548 Process for early termination of land use contract [§52.174]

  94. 549 Notice of termination [§52.175]

  95. 550 Discharge of terminated land use contract [§52.176]

  96. Part 15—Heritage Conservation

  97. Division 2—Notices Under This Part

  98. 594 Notice on land titles [§52.177]

  99. Division 7—Remedies and Offences

  100. 620 Notice of contravention may be filed in land title office [§52.178]

  101. Part 16—Municipal Provisions

  102. Division 7—Annual Municipal Tax Sale

  103. 651 Purchaser to give authority to register tax sale title [§52.179]

  104. 652 Collector to provide certificate of sale [§52.180]

  105. 656 Notice of tax sale must be filed in land title office [§52.181]

  106. 657 Owners must be given notice of tax sale and redemption period [§52.182]

  107. 658 Assessment and taxes during redemption period [§52.183]

  108. 660 Redemption by owner [§52.184]

  109. 662 Notice of redemption to be filed in land title office [§52.185]

  110. 663 Registration of tax sale purchaser as owner [§52.186]

  111. 664 Refusal of registration [§52.187]

  112. 665 Effect of tax sale on rights of owners [§52.188]

  113. 666 Action by owner to have tax sale set aside [§52.189]

  114. 667 Court may reinstate taxes if sale set aside [§52.190]

  115. 668 Council authority to cancel sale in case of error [§52.191]

  116. 669 Restrictions on legal actions in relation to tax sale [§52.192]

  117. 671 Procedure if purchaser under agreement for sale defaults [§52.193]

  118. Part 17—Improvement Districts

  119. Overview of Part 17 [§52.194]

  120. Schedule—Definitions and Other Interpretation Matters

  121. 1 Definitions [§52.195]

  122. 2 Application of Community Charter definitions [§52.196]

  123. 4 [Repealed] [§52.197]

  124. 5 Application of Escheat Act [§52.198]