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14 Refusal Of Application If Transparency Report Not Submitted, Certified Or Signed

In This Volume

  • 14 (1) The registrar must refuse to accept an application to register an interest in land, and each transparency declaration submitted with the application, if both of the following apply:
  • (a) a transferee submits a transparency declaration that indicates that the interest in land is to be registered in the name of a reporting body;
  • (b) the reporting body fails to
    • (i) submit a transparency report with the application, or
    • (ii) pay the applicable filing fee.
  • (2) The registrar must refuse to accept an application to register an interest in land, and each transparency declaration and transparency report submitted with the application, if one of the following applies:
  • (a) in the case of a transparency report that is submitted electronically, the requirements referred to in section 12(4) are not met;
  • (b) in the case of a transparency report that is not submitted electronically,
    • (i) the report does not appear, on the face of that report, to be certified in accordance with section 25 [certification of transparency declarations and transparency reports], or
    • (ii) the requirements referred to in section 12(5) are not met.

2019-23-14, effective November 30, 2020 (B.C. Reg. 250/2020).