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41 Restrictions In Relation To Highway Disposition, Closure Or Alteration

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  • 41 (1) As a restriction, if
  • (a) a bylaw under section 40(1)(a) affects a highway, or part of a highway, that provides access to the ocean or a lake, river or other stream or watercourse, and
  • (b) the municipality is proposing to dispose of the highway or part,
  • the municipality may only dispose of that highway or part if
  • (c) the municipality is exchanging the property for other property that the council considers will provide public access to the same body of water that is of at least equal benefit to the public, or
  • (d) the proceeds of the disposition are to be paid into a reserve fund, with the money from the reserve fund used to acquire property that the council considers will provide public access to the same body of water that is of at least equal benefit to the public.
  • (2) If the effect of
  • (a) a proposed highway closure under section 40(1)(a), or
  • (b) a proposed highway alteration
  • will be to completely deprive an owner of the means of access to their property, the municipality must either
  • (c) obtain the consent of the owner before the owner is deprived of access, or
  • (d) in addition to paying any compensation required under section 33(2), ensure that the owner has another means of access that is sufficient for this purpose.
  • (3) As a restriction on the authority under section 40(1), if the highway or part of a highway to be closed or reopened is within 800 metres of an arterial highway, the bylaw under that section may only be adopted if it is approved by the minister responsible for the Transportation Act.
  • (4) The operator of a utility affected by the closure of a highway under section 40 may require the municipality to provide reasonable accommodation of the utility’s affected transmission or distribution facilities or works on agreed terms.
  • (5) If the parties are unable to reach an agreement under subsection (4), the matters must be settled by arbitration, and for that purpose the Arbitration Act applies.

2003-26-41, effective January 1, 2004 (B.C. Reg. 423/2003); 2004-44-96, effective December 31, 2004 (B.C. Reg. 547/2004); 2011-25-481, effective March 18, 2013 (B.C. Reg. 131/2012).