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In This Volume

  • 18 (1) A resolution of the directors or of any committee of them may not be passed without a meeting, except as permitted by subsection (3).
  • (2) A meeting of directors or of a committee of directors may be held by
  • (a) telephone, or
  • (b) other communications facilities
  • as long as all participants in the meeting are able to communicate with each other, and a director who participates in the meeting by that means must be counted as present at the meeting.
  • (3) A resolution of the directors, if approved by the required number of directors by facsimile, electronic mail or other electronic transmission, telephone or any other similar means of communication and confirmed in writing or other graphic communication, is as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the directors properly called and constituted.
  • (4) The Authority must keep minutes of all proceedings at meetings of the board and its committees.

2004-66-18, effective November 19, 2004 (B.C. Reg. 496/2004).