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11 Refusal Of Application If Transparency Declaration Not Submitted, Certified Or Signed

In This Volume

  • 11 (1) The registrar must refuse to accept an application to register an interest in land if a transferee fails to submit a transparency declaration with the application.
  • (2) The registrar must refuse to accept an application to register an interest in land, and each transparency declaration submitted with the application, if
  • (a) in the case of a transparency declaration that is submitted electronically, the requirements referred to in section 10(4) are not met, or
  • (b) in the case of a transparency declaration that is not submitted electronically,
    • (i) the declaration does not appear, on the face of that declaration, to be certified in accordance with section 25 [certification of transparency declarations and transparency reports], or
    • (ii) the requirements referred to in section 10(5) are not met.
  • (3) Despite subsection (2), the registrar may accept a transparency declaration filed under section 10.1(1) [transparency declaration required from Surveyor of Taxes] even if the declaration is not certified in accordance with section 25.

2019-23-11, effective November 30, 2020 (B.C. Reg. 250/2020); 2023-6-5, effective November 20, 2023 (B.C. Reg. 228/2023).