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  • 19 (1) The directors must prepare bylaws of the Authority that do all of the following:
  • (a) set rules for its conduct, including rules respecting what constitutes a quorum for a meeting of the directors or any committee of directors;
  • (b) set a process for reviewing nominations received under section 7 and selecting appointees in accordance with section 13;
  • (c) set rules respecting the remuneration and reimbursement of the directors;
  • (d) authorize the destruction of instruments and other documents under the Land Title Act;
  • (d.1) authorize the destruction of transparency declarations, transparency reports and all other documents and records filed with or submitted, given or provided to the administrator under the Land Owner Transparency Act;
  • (e) set fees payable under the Land Act, the Land Title Act, the Mineral Tenure Act or any other enactment for services provided by the registrar appointed under the Land Title Act, the Surveyor General or a person under the direction of the registrar or Surveyor General;
  • (e.1) set fees payable under the Land Owner Transparency Act for
    • (i) filing transparency declarations and transparency reports,
    • (i.1) giving notices under section 17.1 [notice required if corporation, trust or partnership ceases to be relevant corporation, relevant trust or relevant partnership] of that Act,
    • (ii) inspecting, searching or obtaining copies of or extracts from transparency declarations, transparency reports, reported information or publicly accessible information,
    • (iii) applications under sections 40 [application to omit information if health or safety at risk] and 42 [application to correct or change information] of that Act, and
    • (iv) other services provided by the administrator under that Act;
  • (f) set procedures governing the handling and disposition of written complaints made by a person in respect of the Authority.
  • (2) The directors must
  • (a) prepare a skills and experience profile to set out the skills and experience that must be represented on the board of directors, and
  • (b) include that skills and experience profile in the bylaws.

2004-66-19, (1)(a) and (c), effective November 19, 2004 (B.C. Reg. 496/2004); 2004-66-19(1)(b), (d) to (f) and (2), effective January 20, 2005 (B.C. Reg. 16/2005); 2019-23-125(part), effective November 4, 2019 (B.C. Reg. 227/2019); 2020-14-30, effective August 14, 2020; 2019-23-125(rem), effective November 30, 2020 (B.C. Reg. 250/2020).