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  • 8 (1) The Lieutenant Governor in Council may appoint a panel of 3 individuals for the purpose of
  • (a) appointing individuals as directors of the Authority to replace an administrator appointed under section 41, or
  • (b) appointing individuals as directors of the Authority if there are no directors qualified under section 7(3) to appoint other directors.
  • (2) If a director is to be appointed under this section from the nominees of a stakeholder entity, the stakeholder entity must promptly provide to the panel a list of qualified nominees in compliance with section 7.
  • (3) After receiving a list of nominees provided under subsection (2), the panel must appoint as director one of the nominees from the submitted list.
  • (4) If a stakeholder entity does not comply with subsection (2), the panel must appoint an individual as director, and that director is deemed to be appointed from the nominees of that stakeholder entity.
  • (5) Despite section 6(2), if the panel makes appointments referred to in subsection (1)(a), the panel must establish a term of office for each director that is a period of not more than 3 years and that ends on March 31 of the year in which the term expires.

2004-66-8, effective November 19, 2004 (B.C. Reg. 496/2004); 2007-24-37.