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Overview Of Regulations And Director’s Directions

In This Volume

This chapter references regulations made under the authority of the Land Title Act and reproduces regulations of general interest to users of this Manual.

Regulations may be made by either the Lieutenant Governor in Council (for example, under s. 385 of the Act) or by the Board of Directors of the Land Title and Survey Authority (for example, under ss. 4, 158, 227, and 232 of the Act).

The Director of Land Titles has authority to approve forms and other matters under many sections of the Act and to require certain kinds of information in relation to applications for registration.

Following the establishment of the Land Title and Survey Authority and delegation of responsibility to the Director of Land Titles, instruments subordinate to the Land Title Act include the following.

Regulations of the Lieutenant Governor in Council

Land Title Act Regulation, B.C. Reg. 334/79

(reproduced in this chapter)

Regulations under Part 24 of the Act

Part 24 of the Act deals with the registration of title to Indian lands under the British Columbia Torrens system. The regulations and an order in council that are relevant to this Part are available through the Queen’s Printer and are reproduced for convenience as Appendixes in chapter 27 (Land Title Act Part 24 (ss. 366 to 373)—Registration of Title to Indian Lands). The Appendixes include:


B.C. Reg. 488/88 Incompatibility Regulation

B.C. Reg. 489/88 shíshálh Nation Designation Regulation

B.C. Reg. 490/88 Torrens System Application Regulation

Order in Council

Order in Council No. 753 (May 17, 1990)

Other Regulations under the Land Title Act

Other regulations of the Lieutenant Governor in Council enacted under the authority of the Land Title Act are not included in this Manual because they are not of general interest to users of the Manual. For the text of these regulations, refer to the British Columbia Gazette, Part II, at the page numbers indicated:

Regulation No. Regulation Name British Columbia Gazette, Part II

B.C. Reg. 218/60

Alberta Natural Gas Co.

pages 557 to 558, December 1, 1960

B.C. Reg. 38/65

Right-of-Way Registration

page 29, March 18, 1965

B.C. Reg. 78/67

West Kootenay Power & Light Co. Right-of-Way

page 161, April 13, 1967

B.C. Reg. 161/67

Trans-Prairie Pipelines Ltd. Right-of-Way

page 304, August 3, 1967

B.C. Reg. 240/67

Cominco Ltd. Right-of-Way

page 548, October 26, 1967

B.C. Reg. 258/67

Dakralda Properties Right-of-Way

pages 611 to 612, November 23, 1967

B.C. Reg. 266/67


page 622, December 7, 1967

B.C. Reg. 281/67

Texaco Exploration Co. Right-of-Way

pages 637 to 638, December 21, 1967

B.C. Reg. 25/68

Alberta Natural Gas Co.

pages 22 to 23, February 1, 1968

B.C. Reg. 10/69

Regulation re Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ

page 33, January 2, 1969

B.C. Reg. 172/69

Regulation re Register of Leases

amended by: 105/72


pages 325 to 326, July 17, 1969

page 385, May 18, 1972

pages 616 to 617, November 27, 1973

B.C. Reg. 560/74

Regulations re Registration of Lease of Vancouver Streets

pages 910 to 911, September 17, 1974

B.C. Reg. 648/75

Regulation re Registration of Lease

pages 884 to 885, October 14, 1975

Regulations under Other Statutes

Regulations enacted under the authority of other statutes considered in this Manual are cross referenced under those statutes. See the Statutes and Related Material Table in this Manual for an index and cross references to these regulations.

Regulations of the Board of Directors of the Land Title and Survey Authority

The board of directors of the Land Title and Survey Authority may make regulations under a number of sections of the Act, including ss. 4, 158, 227, and 232. The following regulation has been made by the board.

Land Title Act (Board of Directors) Regulation, B.C. Reg. 332/2010

(reproduced in this chapter)

  1. Section 2 deals with exemptions from s. 158 of the Act and replaces s. 13 of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
  2. Section 3 and Schedule A deal with land title district boundaries and replace s. 32 and Schedule C of B.C. Reg. 334/79.
  3. Section 4 and Schedule B deal with prescribed mortgage terms and replace s. 7 and Schedule B of B.C. Reg. 53/90.
  4. Section 5 deals with exclusions under Division 6 of Part 14 of the Act and replaces s. 9 of B.C. Reg. 53/90.

Directions of the Director of Land Titles

The director is authorized under s. 9(2) of the Land Title Act to approve documents and forms that may be registered, deposited, or filed under the Act and to establish other procedures and requirements. In exercising this authority, the director has issued E-filing Directions, available at and reproduced in chapter 71 (Director’s Directions). Hardcopy land title forms are covered in Hardcopy Land Title Forms (DR 04-11), available at and summarized in chapter 71 (Director’s Directions).

E-filing Directions

This document establishes the E-filing directions made by the Director under Part 10.1 of the Land Title Act. These directions, which are reproduced in chapter 71 (Director’s Directions), replace the Director’s Requirements related to E-filing and reflect amendments to the Act. E-filing Directions are available at The document sets out specific directions related to:

  1. directions for electronic forms;
  2. electronic signatures and certification by a designate;
  3. certification authority and subscribers;
  4. the Authorized Subscriber Register; and
  5. required E-filing.

Hardcopy Land Title Forms (DR 04-11)

Sets out the approved hardcopy forms for an application under the Land Title Act and the requirements for completing those forms.

Practice Bulletins and Practice Notes Issued by the Director of Land Titles

The Director of Land Titles issues Practice Bulletins and Practice Notes periodically to clarify land title practice issues or to introduce practice material needed to support legislative or regulatory amendments. The information contained in the bulletins and notes is then consolidated into the pertinent part(s) of the Manual after which the bulletins and notes are retired. Where a bulletin or note has continuing relevance, it is published at chapter 72 (Practice Bulletins and Practice Notes).

Electronic versions of unconsolidated bulletins and notes are also available at


Practice Bulletins and practice notes are included at the Practice Bulletins and Practice Notes in this Manual. The Statutes and Related Material Table included at the end of this Manual provides an index to the regulations, rules, and guidelines referenced in this Manual.