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  • 102 (1) If the Crown is the registered owner of a parcel free from encumbrances, and intends to establish all or part of the parcel as a highway, the Crown may deposit a reference plan showing the area intended to become a highway.
  • (2) The registrar may, if the intended establishment under subsection (1) is being effected primarily for the clarification of the records, accept an explanatory plan instead of a reference plan.
  • (3) The reference plan or explanatory plan must be
  • (a) signed by the Surveyor General, and
  • (b) unless the highway has been previously established by notice in the Gazette, approved by a designated highways official.
  • (4) The deposit of the reference plan or explanatory plan by the registrar operates as a dedication by the Crown to the public of the land shown on the reference or explanatory plan as a highway.
  • (5) The registrar must accordingly amend or cancel, as the case may be, the existing indefeasible title, and the land ceases to be registered under this Act.
  • (6) This section applies if the Crown is a registered owner under section 278.

1979-219-102; 1982-60-23, proclaimed effective August 1, 1983; 1997-25-38, effective March 26, 1998 (B.C. Reg. 85/98).


Application for Deposit of Reference Plan Creating Highway

Electronic Plans

For electronic plans, the director has approved the electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office. This form is available at


Encumbrances Held by Crown

The fact that the Crown holds encumbrances, such as undersurface rights, does not prevent the application of this section.


See the practice discussion of the Forest Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 157 and the Transportation Act, under s. 107 of the Land Title Act. Under these Acts, the registrar may accept an explanatory plan in lieu of a reference plan in circumstances where a person agrees to dedicate a forest service road or highway to the government.

See s. 1 of the Act for the definition of a “designated highways official”.

Secondary Sources

See Di Castri, Registration of Title to Land, vol. 1, §6:5, §6:14, and §6:34.