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  • 290 (1) A caveator may, by notice in writing, which may be in the form approved by the director, to the registrar, withdraw the caveat at any time, but the withdrawal of the caveat does not prejudice the power of the court to make an order as to payment by the caveator of the costs of the caveatee incurred before the receipt by the caveatee of the notice.
  • (2) The notice may be signed by the caveator or the caveator’s personal representative, or, if the caveat was signed by a solicitor, by that solicitor.

1979-219-269; 2004-66-114, effective January 20, 2005 (B.C. Reg. 16/2005).


Forms for Withdrawal

The director has approved the use of Form 39, Withdrawal of Caveat, s. 290(1). The use of Form 39 is optional.


On the Form 17 Cancellation of Charge, Notation or Filing, select Nature of Interest, Caveat, and attach an image of the original Form 39 or a letter signed by the caveator with officer certification.


See Di Castri, Registration of Title to Land, vol. 2, §14:74.