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  • 153 (1) The registrar must record on each application received by the registrar
  • (a) the date and time of its receipt, and
  • (b) the serial number assigned to the instrument or other document.
  • (2) For the purposes of priority among purchasers, transferees, mortgagees and others, and for all purposes of this Act, the date and time recorded under subsection (1)(a) is the date and time when the application was received by the registrar and a true copy of that record must be received in all courts as conclusive proof of the date and time the application was received by the registrar.

1979-219-150; 1999-35-1, effective December 12, 2003 (B.C. Reg. 471/2003); 2004-12-12.


Preparation of Forms

See s. 157 of the Act, which requires, in part, that a form appear on the first page at least 1 1/2 inches from the top of the instrument tendered for registration. It is within this space that the time stamp is to appear.

Operation of Instrument as from Time of Registration

See s. 22 of the Act.

Registration Effective from Time of Application

See s. 37 of the Act.

Secondary Sources

See generally Di Castri, Registration of Title to Land, vol. 2, §17:4, with respect to pending applications.