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In This Volume

  • 149 (1) An applicant must
  • (a) include in the instrument or other document tendered for registration, filing, lodging or deposit, or
  • (b) deliver to the registrar a memorandum in writing containing
  • an address to which it will be sufficient to mail any notices that, under this Act, is required to be served on or allowed to be posted to the applicant.
  • (2) The applicant may from time to time, by a notice in the form approved by the director or by other writing, file with the registrar a change of address.
  • (3) On receiving the notice or other writing duly completed, the registrar must note the change in the register.

1979-219-146; 1989-69-13, effective April 1, 1990 (B.C. Reg. 53/90); 2004-66-88, effective January 20, 2005 (B.C. Reg. 16/2005).


Change of Address (Title Owner) and Form 15 Notice of Change of Address (Charge Owner)

The director has approved the Change of Address (Title Owner) form. The form is used to change the address of a title owner.

The Form 15 Notice of Change of Address (Charge Owner) is limited to changing the address of a charge owner and can no longer be used to change the address of a title owner. A Form 15 Notice of Change of Address (Charge Owner) is in the class of supporting documents designated by the director for electronic filing.


In Web Filing, select the Change of Address (Title Owner) application. The owner does not sign the form; instead, the subscriber signs and certifies on the form that the subscriber is authorized by the registered owner to submit the application on their behalf.

On the Form 17 Charge, Notation or Filing, select Nature of Interest, Change of Address, and attach an image of the original Form 15.


Address to Include Postal Code

The postal code must be included as part of the address shown on the instrument presented for registration. In some instances, a property that is being transferred has no postal code. In such a case, the post office provides the first three elements of the postal code for an area of subdivision and “NCA” (no code available) for the last three items. An example of such a postal code is “V6Y NCA”. As this postal code is valid for post office purposes, the registrar accepts it.

Address on Change of Address (Title Owner) Form

The Change of Address (Title Owner) form makes provision for the owner of the fee simple or charge to indicate an address different from that shown on the instrument.

Applicant May Notify the Registrar of a Change of Address

The applicant may notify the registrar of a change of address. The Change of Address (Title Owner) form is used to change the address of a title owner, and the Form 15 Notice of Change of Address (Charge Owner) is used to change the address of a charge owner.

The Change of Address (Title Owner) form is not signed by the owner; instead, the subscriber signs and certifies on the form that the subscriber is authorized by the registered owner to submit the application on their behalf.

If the applicant uses Form 15, either the applicant or the applicant’s solicitor may sign the application.


See Di Castri, Registration of Title to Land, vol. 1, §5:34.