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  • 69 (1) Before a survey is made, the Surveyor General, subject to conditions the Surveyor General considers necessary, may allow the survey to be posted by setting, at proper intervals, monuments of a specified permanent character.
  • (2) The monuments with the information on the plan showing their location is the only posting of the survey required.
  • (3) As an alternative to the procedure under subsection (1), the Surveyor General, subject to conditions the Surveyor General may consider necessary, may allow a block outline posting of the survey to be made by setting key monuments at specified locations.
  • (4) The information on the plan showing the relationship of the monuments to the boundaries shown on the plan is evidence of the boundaries until a complete and final posting of the boundaries is made.
  • (5) The Surveyor General must require the surveyor to complete the final posting referred to in subsection (4) within a specified period.
  • (6) The surveyor who made the block outline survey must be the same person to make a final posting.
  • (7) A posting plan must be filed before the termination of the time limit imposed under subsection (5) and, after filing the posting is, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, proof of the boundaries.
  • (8) The posting plan referred to in subsection (7) must
  • (a) comply with all the requirements of this Act for a subdivision or reference plan, except
    • (i) the signature of the owner, and
    • (ii) the approval of the approving officer, and
  • (b) conform in all respects with the block outline plan, unless a departure from it is authorized by the Surveyor General.
  • (9) On receiving the posting plan, the registrar must,
  • (a) if the posting plan refers only to one block outline plan, assign it the same number as that assigned to the block outline plan, and
  • (b) if the posting plan refers to more than one block outline plan, assign a serial number to it in the manner specified by the director.
  • (10) In the event of the death or inability of the surveyor referred to in subsection (6) to make the final posting, the Surveyor General may appoint another British Columbia land surveyor to carry out the final posting.
  • (11) An application to the Surveyor General under subsection (3) must be accompanied by the fees payable under this Act.

1979-219-69; 1989-69-6, effective February 9, 1990 (B.C. Reg. 41/90); 2004-66-80, effective January 20, 2005 (B.C. Reg. 16/2005) ; 2018-37-14.


Fees may be payable both upon application to the Surveyor General for approval under s. 69(3) and upon filing of the final posting plan under s. 69(7). Land Title Act fees are set out in chapter 32 (Land Title Fees). These fees and Surveyor General Fees are also available at


Electronic Plans

For electronic plans, the director requires an electronic Application to Deposit Plan at Land Title Office (“DSPL”). This form is available at


Block Outline Survey

The DSPL must be signed by the Surveyor General as evidence of approval for the s. 69(3) order. To add this signature to the DSPL, click the Add SG Signatures button at the bottom of the form, and select Block Outline Survey—Approval of Monumentation, Land Title Act s. 69(3) from the drop-down menu:

Pursuant to my Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey dated ___________________ (date), the monumentation on this block outline survey of Plan EPP______ is hereby approved.
Surveyor General (Fill in name) (Date)

The signed Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey must be attached to the DSPL via an Electronic Declaration. The “Additional Information” field on the DSPL should note the following:

The Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey of the Surveyor General dated (DATE) attached to an electronic declaration is in support of this plan application

The land surveyor must make the following notation regarding the Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey on the block outline survey plan:

Block outline monumentation has been approved for this survey

Posting Plan

The DSPL must be signed by the Surveyor General as evidence of approval of the posting. To add this signature to the DSPL, click on the Add SG Signatures button at the bottom of the form, and select “Block Outline Survey—Approval of Posting, Land Title Act s. 69” from the drop-down menu:

Posting of Block Outline Survey Plan EPP______ is hereby approved.
Surveyor General (Fill in name)

The land surveyor must make the following notation on the block outline posting plan:

This is the block outline posting plan required under Notice of Conditions of Block Outline Survey number (LTSA file number)


Application: Section 69(1)

Construction may make a fully posted survey plan impractical. In this instance, the Surveyor General allows a surveyor to carry out a block outline survey under s. 69 of the Act, and the allowance may be granted for any plan type. See the Survey and Plan Rules 4-6 and 4-7 and Electronic Land Title Plan and Plan Application Requirements s. 4.3(c).

Completion of Final Posting: Section 69(5)

An application to conduct a survey under the block outline method must be filed and approved by the Surveyor General. A letter of undertaking to complete the posting within one year must be signed by the land surveyor and submitted with the application the plan and the applicable fee. See Circular Letter No. 461B, November 16, 2018, reproduced in Appendix 3 at “Re: Block Outline Survey—Section 69(3), Land Title Act (C.L. No. 461B)” in this chapter.

Headings on Block Outline Plans

The Surveyor General has set requirements for headings on posting plans. See Circular Letter No. 455, February 15, 2012, reproduced at “Re: Headings on Plans Filed Pursuant to Section 69 of the Land Title Act (C.L. No. 455)” in this chapter.

Secondary Sources

See Di Castri, Registration of Title to Land, vol. 1, §6:9.